1. Usando a configuración incorrecta da presión da auga
Un dos erros máis frecuentes é establecer a presión da auga demasiado alta ou demasiado baixa. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology indicates that excessive pressure can damage gum tissue, while insufficient pressure fails to remove plaque effectively. It's advisable to begin with a medium setting and gradually adjust. The IVISMILE IPX7 waterproof water flosser offers multiple pressure levels tailored for sensitive gums and deep cleaning.
A pesca adecuada é fundamental para obter resultados óptimos. Studies from The International Journal of Dental Hygiene suggest that directing the water jet straight onto the gums can lead to irritation rather than effective cleaning. Instead, position the nozzle at a 45-degree angle to the gum line, as recommended by dental professionals, to effectively dislodge plaque without causing discomfort.
3. Descoidando as áreas de difícil acceso
Many users focus on easily accessible front teeth while neglecting molars and interdental spaces, where plaque accumulation is highest. Clinical studies demonstrate that water flossers remove 29% more plaque from posterior teeth compared to traditional string floss. Ao usar un flosser de auga dental eléctrico, asegúrese dun enfoque sistemático que cubra todos os cuadrantes da boca, particularmente ao redor de dispositivos ortodoncicos, implantes e pontes dentais.
4. Usando auga da billa en lugar de solucións cálidas ou antibacterianas
A auga da billa fría pode resultar incómoda para os individuos con dentes sensibles. Os expertos dentais recomendan usar auga morna para mellorar o confort. For added antibacterial benefits, a mixture of water and chlorhexidine mouthwash or a hydrogen peroxide rinse can help reduce bacterial loads and prevent infections. The IVISMILE rechargeable water flosser is compatible with safe oral rinses, ensuring enhanced gum health.
Apresurarse por unha sesión de fluxo de auga reduce a súa eficacia. A American Dental Association (ADA) recomenda flotar durante polo menos 60 segundos para a eliminación de placas óptimas. A study in The Journal of Clinical Dentistry found that using a portable water flosser for the recommended duration resulted in 53% more plaque removal than shorter sessions. O regador oral ivismil inclúe un cronómetro automático para fomentar hábitos de limpeza exhaustivos.
6. Ignorando o mantemento e limpeza adecuados
Conclusión: eleva a súa hixiene oral con ivismile